Thursday, January 24, 2013

Master lighting

Master lighting is the first step in a broader approach to lighting a short. My thinking here is:
  • Master lighting (this demo) -  Lighting the whole scene.
    • Focus on intensity, contrast and color. 
    • You might refine slightly according to your establishing shot, but not too specific.
    • If you can't use something for a majority of your sequence, don't do it here. (ie. light linking)
  • Key lighting - Lighting unique and iconic shots.
    • Focus on shaping and pushing your lighting.
    • Bring in your master lighting and refine it.
      • Throw away unnecessary lights
      • Get more specific.  Add lights where necessary.
      • Work out technical issues here (shadow res, sampling, GI settings, artifacts, etc)
      • Be mindful of continuity among other keys in the sequence
    • The aforementioned establishing shot, used in master lighting, would be treated as a key.
  • Shot lighting - Lighting derivatives (same-as, close ups and one-off shots)
    • Focus on consistency and technical issues.
    • Should be minimal need to adjust lights beyond technical needs (shadow res, framing, etc)
If you're expecting anything extravagant in this demo, you will probably be very disappointed.  I am simply blocking in the master lighting, talking about what I'm doing and why.  Make sure you've watched my preview two videos on lighting, "Thoughts on lighting," and "How I use reference."  They are instrumental to my thought process in this one.

The compression hurts the saturation and contrast, unfortunately, but it should still work to illustrate what I'm talking about.  As usual, feel free to ask any questions.

I hope these are useful.  I might do a few more of these.  I was thinking one for key lighting, another for tips and tricks, and a lastly, one focused on compositing.  I'll skip "shot lighting" because it's technical and case-by-case so it wouldn't be much use.  Good luck!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How I use reference

Part two in my demo.

I think reference is so important to the learning process that I recorded it's own part just to discuss it.  Perhaps it's obvious information to some, yet I'm frequently surprised how often people try to invent their lighting from nothing; often hurting the quality and believability of their lighting.

For a more thorough understanding, be sure to watch my "Thoughts on lighting" video before this one:

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Thoughts on lighting

This is the first part of a lecture/demo on lighting.

I'm simply talking about basic things to consider in this one.  I have part two and part three, a talk about reference and an actual demo in maya, already recorded.  I still need to convert and upload them, which I will try to do this evening.

On that note, this was a rushed recording and conversion.  If the audio is not clear or understandable, please let me know and I will see what I can do.  I think you can even comment on the video - feel free to ask questions or get clarification on anything.  I hope it helps.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I toyed around with Gimp at work today (not to mention digital painting).

Here's a few tests I made in the process. 

Both done with a mouse - in case you were wondering why they looked crappy - though in reality, I couldn't do much better with a cintiq... yet.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Winter Break

I've started drawing a bit more lately.
Particularly caricature and working on simplification; Trying different approaches and mediums, some sketchier, some more finished.  I'm trying to get faster and more confident with my sketches.

Here's a few I did while doing some serious R&R back in Michigan:

I've also started scripting again - but there's not much to show in that regard.
The plan, however, is that those scripts will be conducive for me to start on personal projects.
We'll see.

Till next time.